Thursday, February 14, 2008

Practical 8

Citations of resources:

BACAK,M.(n.d.). Podcasting Trend.Retrieved January 18, 2008, from

LEWIN,J.(2003). Content feeds with RSS 2.0.Retrieved Janunary 18, 2008, from http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/xrss20/____

Pratical 6b

Another resource that i have found:


  • Purpose

The main website of this article is ezinearticle which is an article website that allows all experts to write about an article that they expertise in. This website allows user to view and find out more about a topic that other have wrote an article about. The intended audiences are those who are podcast fans who want to know more about podcasting.

  • Coverage

This website is for users who want to know what others feel about a product or a service. Authors who post their article will give their comment and opinions on various topics. For this podcasting trend topic, the author of this article covers what podcasting has on the impact of the current whole and what advantages does podcast have on people. Besides the author’s article, there are also many other links and resources that we can gather more information from.

The links are very useful as they contain many frequently asked questions and their answers and solutions regarding podcast given by different authors.

A look at one of the links leads us to another article from a different author but is on a different topic relating to podcast.

  • Authority

The author of the article is Hendry Lee who helps small business owners and web publishers. He has a main article as a link at the bottom of the website but there are no indications that he can be contacted.

  • Accuracy

This article is created by an author who gives his opinion on podcasting. After reading the article, they are no political, idealogical or biasness sources in the article. There is a main article source that the author had reference from, but the main article is also the same author. There are no grammatical, spelling or typographical errors.

  • Currency

There are no indications of when the article was done and uploaded. Therefore, I can conclude that the article may not be very reliable as it may be years ago that he had done this and it may be outdated.

  • Accessibility

There are no graphical images in the article as it is only an article done by an author. It is all in text-based format and internet explorer and Mozilla Firefox can be viewed. Email addresses and passwords are needed as this is a free website that can be viewed and gather information from and I think those who sign up can be allowed to view more detailed information. There are many copyrights rules to follow so as to respect the authors.

  • Presentation & Arrangement

The article is very common as it starts off with the trend of the podcast and the advantages of podcasting before ending with the author’s information and the links to other relating articles.

  • Usability

It is relatively easy to use as it only requires scrolling up and down the page. All the information is on a page and other links are at the bottom of the page if I need to gather more information.

  • Overall

As it is an article written by an author, it gives a brief article on the future trend of podcasting and the advantages of podcasting. It does not have any images and I feel that this website is only suitable for those who really wants to explore on podcasting and know what does other people feels about podcast.

Practical 6a

The topic that we have selected for the case study assignment 2:

Discuss the developments and trends in the area of RSS/podcasting.

The keywords that we have used are:

Keywords: developments, trends, Area, RSS, podcasting
Keywords Variations: advancement, growth, impact.

Search phrase that are used:

Advancements of RSS, Growth and impact of podcasting.

Resource that i have found:

  • Purpose

The aim of this website is to promote the company’s product and the intended audiences are all consumers who are interested or want to know more about the company’s product. As the main website for this article is IBM, they values dedication to every client’s success and emphasize on trusts and responsibility between them and other clients and companies.

  • Coverage

This websites covers the definition of RSS, how it works, how to find the different types of RSS and even how to customize the channels of RSS.

For a green-horn like me being introduced to something new, the explanation and contents of this website widen my knowledge on RSS and is pretty much easy to understand as it touch on not only the basic of RSS and also the detailed form of the RSS files.

This website also teaches us how to find RSS and new changes that will happen in the future.

A look at one of the links will link us to another RSS website. Therefore, the links that are provided allows us to enhance more about the understanding of RSS. Some links that I have explored teaches a more in-depth knowledge on RSS which is beneficial and very useful to someone like me who is very interested in RSS after reading all the related articles.

  • Authority

The author of this website is James Lewin and is the president and owner of The Lewin Group. He has written widely on e-commence business and the Web. Since he has been in the cyber business for from 1995, he should have some knowledge on the RSS. His reputation can be verified as he leaves his contact email in the article.

  • Accuracy

After reading on this article, it gives a factual information on RSS and does not propagandise on any political, ideological information. No form of biasness is detected as it only tells the viewers the uses and functionality of RSS. The article is professionally written with no spelling or grammatical mistakes.

  • Currency

This article is not very accuracy as it has not been updated for quite some time. It was created in late 2003. But this article tells us on the RSS version 2.0 and is giving us the information on one of the first version of the RSS.

  • Accessibility

As the website is mainly used for consumers’ purposes, therefore, no logins are needed and all information in the website can be viewed for free. As the website is linked to the IBM company, there are copyright ownership from IBM. From the first time I have used till now, the site is always available and is stable. There are many text-based explanations with a couple of graphical images used for description.

  • Presentation & Arrangement

The article is very well-arranged and presented. It starts off with the introduction and definition of the RSS followed by how we can find RSS feeds, the latest build in RSS, the form of RSS file, then the summary and lastly the information of the author. Although there are not many attention catching images or decoration, it is mainly for people who are interested in RSS. It is like a common website which has the ‘Home’, ‘Products’, etc. on the top left hand of the page.

  • Usability

It is relatively easy to use as it only requires scrolling up and down the page. All the information is on a page and other links are at the bottom of the page if I need to gather more information.

  • Overall

My overall impression of the website and the article is that I felt it has detailed text-based information for users who wants to gather a lot of knowledge on RSS. There are not many images and therefore we need to understand based on the text and some readers may feel bored and not interested in this article. But those who read and understand the article will have a more in-depth knowledge on RSS.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Practical 3

Resource 1: http://www.commercialalert.org/alcoholsnyder.pdf

Purpose of resource : personal.

Reasons :
-The topic that I have done for practical 2 is discussing the developments of alcoholism amongst youths. Therefore, the resource that I found is a personal news article about the effects of alcohol exposure on drinking among youth, which is a piece of information on the effects of alcoholic among youth.
-The reason that I think it is a personal resource is because the author left his name and education level at the end of his article.
-There is the date of when he had done the article inside the article.

Resource 2: http://opencrs.cdt.org/rpts/RS22636_20070402.pdf

Purpose of resource : __Information_

Reasons :

-The first reason why I think that the purpose of this resource is an information is that this article gives us facts on the number of youth age below 21 have alcoholic habits.
-The second reason is that this article has comments and opinions given by doctors and surgeon to tell us what they think and feel about the rising number of youth involving in alcohol.
-It also has number facts which estimated the price and amount of negative impacts on the society from the total number of youth drinking. Furthermore, it tells us about the causes and effects of youth when they are involved In alcohol.
-It also informs the public on how to prevent and improve the number of youth from rising in alcohol related matters.

Resource 3: http://www.epi.umn.edu/alcohol/facts/facthow.shtm

Purpose of resource : Advocacy

Reasons :

-First, the information is done by an organization which is the University of Minnesota. Therefore, I think that the organization wants to do something about the rising number of youths taking alcohol.
-Secondly, the website tells us many information on how the public can help the youth into giving up alcohol.
-Lastly, the main reason that I think the resource is an advocate is that it has many facts and survey done by the organization, which is trying to tell us that youth taking alcohol is very harmful and is trying to influence the public to support them to help lower the number of youth taking alcohol.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Practical week 4 and 5

Discuss the usage of 2-Factor Authentication in the banking industry.

Type of Search facility

Keywords used

URL of the resource

Comments on Search Results :

-Size of hits?

-Relevant results?

Search Engine

Example used :











Results 11 - 20 of about 1,340,000 for two Factor Authentication in bank . (0.10 seconds)

Out of so many results, most of the first few results are relevant.

It gives many related results based on my keywords.

Some of the relevant results include the two factors authentication for banks and different kinds of online banking and company.

Meta Search Engine

Example used :

















All Search Engines 1 - 20 of 53

All of the results are relevant.

It gives results that both yahoo.com and google.com have.

The relevant results includes the definitions of two factor authentication of banking and the solutions to solve phishing.

Subject Directory

Example used :














1-10 of 993,000 for two Factor Authentication in bank (About) - 0.36 sec

Only some of the results are relevant.

Some of the results are websites that have only one of the keyword.

Some of the relevant results include reports from personal websites that gives information on the keywords.

The results of the three search facilities are almost the same because the keywords that I used are phrases and are quite specific.

Metacrawler.com gives more detailed because it combines both the search engine of google.com and subject directory, but it has lesser results than the google.com and yahoo.com.

Another differences is that both google.com and yahoo.com finds website using all the words that are typed in as the keywords while metacrawler.com used only one word that is typed as the keyword when finding results.

Yahoo.com may find some results that are same as the other two search facilities but the other results that it searches are not relevant. For example, when I typed the two factors authentications of bank, it gives me some results that are related to banks and not the two factor authentication.

Out of the three search facilities, google.com finds the results the fastest and gives quite relevant results.

Overall, I think that google.com has the best searching needs because it searches for the most relevant results and has many choices of websites from the result to choose from.

The results are based on the keywords that I wanted to find and gives not only a list of banks of two factor authentication but also online and banking related to two factor authentication.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Practical 2

Type of Website: Personal
Resource Name /URL:http://www.commercialalert.org/alcoholsnyder.pdf
Resource Description:This is an article done by someone telling us on some article on people aged below 21 taking alcohol with some statistic and graph on the growth of youth taking alcohol.

Type of Website:Organization
Resource Name /URL:http://opencrs.cdt.org/rpts/RS22636_20070402.pdf
Resource Description:This website is posted on the internet by an organization. It tells us about the causes and effects of youth taking alcoholic. It also shows the public how to prevent youth from taking alcohol.

Type of Website:Subject-based
Resource Name /URL:http://www.epi.umn.edu/alcohol/facts/facthow.shtm
Resource Description:This is a website about the findings and facts done by University of Minnesota. It tells us about the survey of where and how youth get alcohol from.

Practical 1.

Topic: Sports
Aspect: Soccer

Categories: Newsgroups and discussion list
Resource Name /URL: www.soccernet.com/
Resource Description: Soccer news from around the world. There are discussions about the latest soccer transfers and news in this website.

Categories: Electronic journals and magazine
Resource Name /URL:http://www.matchmag.co.uk/
Resource Description:This is the best soccer magazine I have seen so far. It has very interesting soccer pictures and articles. Every episode of the magazine is never dull.

Categories: Multi-media source
Resource Name /URL:www.tribalfootball.com/
Resource Description:This website updates almost every 3 hour. I can read what happens around the soccer world.

Categories:WWW site
Resource Name /URL:www.goals.com/
Resource Description:I visit this website as it mainly displays the highlight of the soccer news.

Similarities- We are researching on aspects that are popular around the world.

Differences- My partner searches for music while I search for sports.